How to join....

Joining the GAP Community Organization is easy. Membership is open to anyone who would like to see the GAP continue to improve and become an even more desirable place to live. Please come to a GAP monthly meeting, which is held the 1st Tuesday evening of every month. The meetings are normally held at THE ILLINOIS COLLEGE OF OPTOMETRY, 3240 S. INDIANA AVE, SUITE 1200. Time of the meeting is 7:15pm. We are usually adjourned by 8:30pm. ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES: Residents $20 Non-Residents $50 Senior Citizens $10 Local Businesses $100 Non-Local Businesses $150 Membership dues help pay for programs and functions that the GAP Community Organization conducts regularly. None of the board members, area reps, or committee members are paid for their work. Everyone volunteers their time for the betterment of our community. If you are interested in joining, please call us at 312-225-1406 or email us at You can pay dues at any of our meetings to any of the executive board members.

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